Today's Letter - 12 Jan 2021

-- A letter to one of my four boys who is a Marine and college age student
Typed version

Dearest Son,

Right hand, right hand—left hand, left hand. When you said this—I couldn’t help but smile. And not just because it’s funny but also for the deeper meaning it implies. Even now as I write this letter it still puts a smile on my face and while very few will understand it—we do and that sometimes is all that truly matters!

When Jesus started his ministry the first four men He picked to be His apostles were brothers. Two sets of brothers. I’ve often wondered why did He do this—why brothers? I think He did it because there is a special unity, strength, and bond only known to brothers and He needed that strength—the world needed the love of brothers.

Every dad wants to be close to his children and to share in their lives. Because of your sacrifices and willingness to serve this great country, I get the privilege of sharing in your life in a very unique and personal way. Your little phrase reminded me that I’m not only your dad, I’m also your brother and for that I’m extremely grateful.

So…right hand, right hand—left hand, left hand…let’s do this!

I’m proud of you! You are my son and I love you!

(Author’s Note: I thought I’d take a second to explain “Right hand, right hand-left hand, left hand” in case you’re not familiar with the phrase. One day, my son and I were loading a dryer in my car to be thrown away. He grabbed the machine, looked at me, and said, “Right hand, right hand-left hand, left hand.” In Marine parlance that’s like saying, “What are you waiting for? Put your hands on it and let’s go!” Instinctively I grabbed the dryer and then started laughing…)

If a prior Marine, combat veteran, prior police officer, a kid who failed highschool because he wouldn't write a 5 page paper, and a man who didn't tell his mom that he loved her until he was 36 could figure out how to write handwritten love letters...then so can you! You can do it!
Special Notes
  1. To learn more please watch this video!
  2. Each day I write a handwritten letter to my wife, one our children, or their spouses or soon to be spouses. That's a total of 13 people in the rotation!
  3. To respect their privacy I don't use their names when I post their letter online. I just share a little bit about them for context. Also, each person decides which letters to post or not to post--it's completely up to them.
  4. I use different stamps and seal each envelop with's super cool and the letter can even be mailed! In this video I detail some considerations when (if) you buy you're own stamps.
  5. Letters are marked with a (number) and the date so they can be easily referenced in the future.
  6. I post these letters to encourage others to do the same and to give some ideas of what to say. I hope it moves you to reward your loved ones with your own kind, thoughtful, and loving words.

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Don Shomette
Husband, Dad, Personal & Professional Growth Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, & Behavioral Expert

As an inspirational and motivational speaker that also prevents violence, I have the privilege of helping teachers, principals, superintendents, parents, and school resource officers to make our young people and communities to be safe and also feel loved.

I learned a long time ago and have never wavered or swayed from the belief that people are not a problem to be solved but are the prize to be protected, nurtured, and loved.

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PO BOX 474 Radford, VA 24143

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(540) 577-7200


Copyright © 2019 Don Shomette